IxD & UX design · distributed governance · civic tech

I’m Lucien Langton, an IxD & UX designer investigating the intersections between technologies, ecologies, democracies, digital commons, self-organization, public spaces, and other curiosities.



  • Voca’s is an open platform as a service (PaaS) for Decidim, an open source civic tech to reprogram democracy for organizations, communities and cities.

    Voca is a project initiated by octree.

  • Octree is a startup studio to build today's digital commons: viable, open & fair.

  • Inhabiting & Interfacing the Cloud(s): a joint design research project (HES-SO) between ECAL, HEAD, EPFL-ECAL Lab & EPFL

    Research assistant for a project focusing on the contemporary paradigm of the personal cloud from the crossed perspectives of architecture, ethnography & interaction design.

    The research process is published on this website (not sure it still works).

    The research results are published on Cloud of cards (not sure it still works). The final publication is out of stock but is available on academia.

    The project was also exhibited at H3K and is documented in Poetics and Politics of Data (2015), Christoph Merian Verlag.

  • Thyme was a platform to help event organizers organize collaboratively and build inclusive event cultures with their volunteers.

    The project was initiated in 2013, a first prototype was created in 2014 with Ruby on Rails & React.js. After a series of pitches, feedback loops and testing we built and launched an open beta in 2016. The project came to a stop after testing with it festivals, because we failed to get sufficient funding.

    A specific part of the interaction design was to build a collaborative retroplanning UI through Zeitline, a responsive and interactive polytemporal timeline ported on d3.js with react.js.

  • Didn’t have time to add much yet, here’s a few :

    • Launching and teaching a UX course during 2 years

    • Organizing a regional sketch meetup for 3 years.

    • Designing Leofabrizio.ch, an online photography portfolio (it was a pain to code)

    • I 3D scanned picasso’s grandson, Florian Picasso, with a hacked Kinect

  • Globaldiagnostix was a project aiming to produce a robust, high-tech and low-cost X-ray device for developing countries.

    As an interaction designer, the challenge was to prototype an intuitive tactile interface for the medical staff, radiologists, or villagers with constraints like bidirectionnality, varying levels of technological litteracy, as well as cultural and educational gaps.

    Other technical challenges were :

    • a resolution limited to 1024x768px

    • A (not so) tactile hyper-robust screen

    • no keyboard, no mouse (all tactile)

    • A setup including 2 screens: the first for high resolution display, the second for interactions, inputs and navigation

    After working for months in collaboration with Edana, a Swiss institute of antropotechnology in charge of the field-research in Cameroun, a first public presentation of the projet was achieved. A first round of fundraising was then successfully gathered.

    Globaldiagnostix now became the EPFL spinoff Pristem.

    • Tilt Tower, turning a building into a giant flipper
      Built with Arduino +Air +Processing +Modul8 +Madmapper